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The Plum® Bowl Trampoline®

Introducing the Plum® Freebound Bowl Trampoline®; AKA your saviour.

The Plum Freebound Bowl Trampoline is no ordinary trampoline. For starters, it doesn’t just have a flat bed. It also has a curved mat surrounding the flat part of the trampoline which can also be jumped on. This radical curved, bowl-like shape makes it the funnest and safest trampoline on the market. Your thrill-seekers are going to love it.

The CURV shape allows you to move or ‘freebound’ in any direction. Use the markers on the mat to track your movement and refine your freebounding moves. Bounce, run, flip, spin, kick, dance – you are only limited by your imagination.

There are absolutely no springs on this trampoline. 136 bungee cords work in unison to support and bounce you. This FLX system also makes the Plum Freebound Bowl Trampoline really, really quiet. Just the ticket for the parent trying to make a few work calls while keeping an eye on the kids.

This trampoline is extremely safe. The see-through Supernet is extra thick and super soft, so your little darling can’t fall out and you can watch them at all times. Thick padding and soft cushioning can be found all over the frame. Even the ladder has anti-slip rubber grips on each step.

With a weight rating of 125kgs adults can jump in on the fun too! A ten-minute bouncy burst provides a great cardio workout and all over tone. And it’s a hell of lot more fun than running around the block.

Check it out here: The Plum® Bowl Trampoline®

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